Neil Atkinson (September 29 1979 – November 15th 2013)

(Photos by Michelle Heighway)

Neil Atkinson left us at age of 34 years old.

I heard this sad news yesterday.
Neil was a drummer of the Window Right from Huddersfield, UK.
I made 4 performances with the Window Right.
Now I’m remembering him to be together with him this moment.
Please listen this while you’re reading this message,


I was informed, his loved ones played this at his funeral… it’ a beautiful song.

Long before I met the Window Right for first time, I’ve got their CDR, someone handed to me after the show (I guess in London?) That period, I used to carry CD/Rs that I like everywhere I go, listen together with local friends or used as a prelude before or after Network performance. Since first I listened to Window Right I liked so much, so it became one of my collection of CD/R travelling kit.

First time I met Neil with the Window Right on Friday January 27th 2006, they’re a supporting band that night. At back stage, I spoke with them and showed my CD/R travelling kit, then they found their CDR there. Even I was forgetting that I’ve the Window Right in my collection until they say we’re the Window Right you have in your collection. We both’re happy to know each other.            Local organiser Ned Netherwood was living that time in Huddersfield and he reviewed on his web.

Cornerhouse on Friday 27th January 2006 The Window Right as a supporting band.

First time I heard them live, even I liked much more than CDR and we both promised to perform next time in Huddersfield together.

Ned arranged next Network performance in Huddersfield  with Window Right on Saturday 7th April 2007 at The Parish [the Cornerhouse changed name], along with Neil Campbell/Astral Social Club.

Year later I performed with them  on Thursday 13 November 2007 Leeds Brudenel Social Club

Ned moved to Hebdon Bridge, one of my favourite space in UK.

He arranged the show with Neil and the Window Right again on Saturday 31 July 2010 Trades Club in Hebden Bridge

I had opportunity to perform  in London on Tuesday 23 March 2010 @ Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen. I asked them if they like to perform with me.
They’re really happy to perform first time in London.

How I can say, I’m really shocked and sad, lost of my lovely sound carrier.
He was with us for only 34 years.
I can remember clearly, we had good time together and create time and space of the moment.

Neil forever.
Sincere Condolences to his family and his loved ones.

Damo Suzuki / January 19 2014

4 Replies to “Neil Atkinson (September 29 1979 – November 15th 2013)”

    1. Michelle,
      It’s necessary to do this. Also as I had same sickness almost same age like Neil. Yesterday I heard many time pieces of the Window Right. Hope other guys of the Window Right keep on going, Neil will be together with them.

      Damo // 20.01.2014

  1. I hope ‘The Window Right’ keep going too.. and it’s nice to think that Neil will be together with them. Thank you and glad you are well! Hope to you see you at the gig in May! : )

  2. Sorry to see this post so late. Sail on, Brother Neil. And I hope to see you sometime in Minneapolis again, Damo! Thank you for the beautiful music!


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