1st Set: Damo Suzuki with ‘it’s so fucking great to be alive’: Samaan Fieck (Guitar, Synth),Adnan Lalaar (Guitar), Kishore Ryan (Drums), Oscar Slorach-Thorn (Keyboard, Musical Saw), Christina Tester (Tapes, Contact Mic, Keyboard) and Michael Zulicki (Bass)
2nd Set: Damo Suzuki with Hi God People: Dylan Martorell, Dion Nania, Greg Wadley (Drums) and Julian Wiliams
This summer in Melbourne is nice. Very relaxed and not that much hot. Now autumn is quite near. The city lays close to sea so, weather is changing quite a lot even in same day. Morning and afternoon she has different face.
Show tonight is set up when I arrived in Australia. It’s quick set up one, I mean. Bass player of It’s Fucking Great to be Alive, Michael contacted me through E mail. Northcote is a part of Mel about 15 minutes ride by car from city center. Melbourne is 4 million city. there are different spot and all those areas different domestic people show up. Area to area different people. 2 sets tonight with two different band which I never perform together. Every time I spend my time in Mel, I have three or four shows, so in between I know quite a lots of musicians in this city.
As usual sound check begin with 2nd set band then 1st set band. Two different shows have done. I didn’t have ride back to Tim and Sally’s. Even I could take taxi I stayed at Michael whom share the big enough place with an artist. Next day we took tram to the city center…this is first time I take tram in Mel even I come here every year….I love city with tram!!!!
Photos at the performance http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photoset.gne?set=72157604033674397&nsid=66094064@N00〈=en-us