Damo Suzuki with Hamish Black (Guitar) and Future Pilot AKA: Sushil K Dade (Bass, Electronics), Raymond MacDonald (Saxophones), Bill Wells (Keyboards), Douglas MacIntyre (Electronic Guitar) and Sace (Drums)
80 minutes flight from Cologne to Edinburgh. Picked up by man named Dave, a Celtic Fan (In Glasgow there are two soccer teams Celtic and Rangers sharing champion since more than 100 years in Scottish soccer league…I heard of since end of 19th century (!!!!)..I asked him if he is a guitarist and born in January…I smell some times from people…and I was right…Dave was quite surprised. He took position as driver at this Triptych Festival which is find in three different Scottish cities Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen every year. I am invited for Glasgow and Aberdeen parts. Tonight I perform on same stage with Einsturzende Neubauten, a well known 80’s successful German band.
I performed with selected sound carriers from Glasgow curated by Sishil, who has been in contact with me since long , willing to perform with Network..also Future Pilot, the band of his own released CD with one song with my voice. But, this time is first time to meet him in person as I did recording through telephone. Network tonight is rather big band. Drums, Bass, 2 guitars, 2 Saxophone, sound effects/melodica and I. Pity was just we had only 45 minutes. One of them was youngest Network sound carrier ever!!!…a 16 years old Hamish, who contacted me a couple of months before saying he like to perform with Network if I come next time to Glasgow. At that stage I had this performance fixed and I just invited him to Join….It’s nice start for him in front of 700 people as premier.
As usual at every performance I was quite often hanging around merchandising table. Merchandising personal (British guy and Australian lady) of Einsturzende Neubauten helped me to sell when I was not there (for own performance or whatever…). I saw there quite a few people I know. One of them was some times guitarist of Network John, and told me that sound carriers met last my performance here in Glasgow found good in chemistry and after that they formed the band. ……It’s really nice to hear such a story. Good luck to them. Also nice to see the lady from Edinburgh, she missed our show, but she was still cute and in nice mood. Send many greetings to Edinburgh!!!
Hamish father was there and he seems to be very proud of his son. Next day my son Marco has his first concert, but I’m on the road and I can not see him…. Every beginning of tour I sleep not really good. But, I had to wake up to catch the train to Sheffield…I am writing this in train to Lancaster. Sometimes I am too lazy to write down diary…but, Diary is so…write down when memories are still fresh….There are many thing I have to change.