Damo Suzuki with Bronyaur: Fabio Cerina (Guitar), Luca Ciffo (Guitar), Fiè (Bass) and Marco Mazzoldi (Drums)
This is second visit to Sardinia within last 3 months..it was September last time and Fabio told me even in November here in Sardinia one can swim. I’m not swimmer and I don’t try..but, still warm here. Like last time, the venue is middle of nowhere, it’s impossible to reach without car and also it’s difficult to find if you’re not from this area. It is just in middle of woods and no neighborhood.
Even the guy picked me up from airport had difficulties to find this. He came from Genoa, Mainland Italy. We stop for late lunch. Whole lotta fishes. Its always nice to visit southern Europe. Fish is the thing I love to eat, very satisfied enjoy wine too. I was feeling that we are getting late as he said we have to drive an another hour.
So, complicate to reach the venue, we had to stop and had to call the organizer several times. The venue stood middle in woods and surroundings are getting dark. The venue is looks like restaurant which is open for only summer time. There are many organic farms in Italy. They are number one organic farmers place in Europe. I understand that Italian food has quality, so it is necessary to have good product. Good quality kitchen is always link to good quality product. Smell nice from smoked meat. What is that? One told me if you are in Sardinia, you have to try roast pork, Sardinia is best place to eat roast pork, they say proudly. I can remember of the restaurant just visit pig farm where we couldn’t eat as we didn’t reserve. At an another place I ate Sardinian pig and it was tasty.
My sound carrier friend from last Sardinian show Fabio came later, he comes from Cagliari. There was no stage at the venue. Set up on floor. After sound check, eat in with sound carriers, two of them, Luca and Marco will perform with me in few days in Milano too, they come from Milano. Later showed up local young people, among them friend of Makoto, the guitar player from Acid Mothers Temple.
The show went to deep in night and after talking with people..I have only two hours to sleep to get early bus.